There’s Hope in the Darkness of Depression and Anxiety

It is no secret that many Christians face mental health challenges like depression and anxiety. These issues can be isolating, making them feel disconnected from their faith and support system.

For many Christians, the pressure to always appear joyful and steadfast in their faith can exacerbate feelings of anxiety and depression. The expectation of being strong in their beliefs while struggling with mental health can create a significant internal conflict.

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signs of depression, suicide, mental illness Jason Jimenez signs of depression, suicide, mental illness Jason Jimenez

Empowering Young Men: Understanding Depression, Overcoming Anxiety, and Finding Hope through Biblical Wisdom

In a world that often expects you to be strong and unyielding, it is important to acknowledge and address the struggles you may face. Depression and anxiety can silently creep into your life, clouding your mind and weighing down your spirit. But please know that you are not alone in this battle.

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How to talk to your Gen Z child about suicide, depression and the role faith plays

There was a time when a child’s mood swings were chalked up as nothing more than a phase — something that the child would soon grow out of. Today, however, significant mood swings can signal something far more precarious. They can indicate that your son or daughter suffers from depression or some other mental disorder.

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