Hijacking Jesus unravels the controversial narrative painted by progressive Christians about Jesus and reveals how progressive Christianity not only uproots the fabric of historic Christianity but overhauls the very identity and integrity of Jesus and pushes the boundary of biblical theology.

In the postmodern era, the rise of progressive voices "remaking Jesus" is becoming more tantalizing. Progressive teachers are gaining popularity and acceptance among self-identified Christians unfamiliar with the historical and biblical narrative of Jesus Christ.

Of all the doctrinal debates and religious conversations in the world, none compares to the ultimate question: who is Jesus Christ?

According to progressive Christians, Jesus was an example of faith, not the object of faith. He was a Jewish social justice warrior who possessed a unique and impressionable manifestation of God. Not the second person of the trinity that came into the world, took on flesh and rose again after dying on the cross for the sins of humanity.

In this modernized version of Christianity, progressive Christians are deceptively challenging Protestant Churches with their conventional belief of Jesus as more of a "Liberator" than a "Savior" and contend that they bring enlightenment to the disconcerted minds of Christians.

However, despite what progressive Christians want people to believe, their portrayal of Jesus hijacks the Son of God, and carries major historical, theological, and spiritual implications according to the Bible.

Hijacking Jesus is a thorough and thought-provoking book for those seeking to understand the highly controversial and dangerous denials of Jesus Christ that are being championed by progressive scholars, teachers, pastors, and writers. The book will help readers learn how to distinguish between distortions of Jesus and the actual truth of Jesus, while developing the skills to preserve biblical Christianity from a liberal takeover.

“In Hijacking Jesus, Jason Jimenez brings a much-needed clarity to who Jesus is, how He is misrepresented in progressive Christianity, and what’s at stake.”

John Stonestreet, president of the Colson Center, host of BreakPoint
