Stand Strong Ministries

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Will You Take a Stand for Your Freedoms?

Proverbs 29:2 says, "When the righteous thrive, the people rejoice; when the wicked rule, the people groan."

For many years now, Americans have watched as our educational system, the media, Big Tech, Hollywood, and our political system shed their dependency on God. The results have been catastrophic. 

Over a million unborn babies are aborted each year. And now, with the restoration of the Affordable Care Act under Biden, abortions are projected to skyrocket as Planned Parenthood receives more federal funds.    

Civil unrest is breaking out all across the country. Free speech and religious freedom are being undermined by the government and cancel culture. Drug use, porn addiction, and human trafficking are on the rise. And if that's not enough, the gross federal debt of the United States has grown to a whopping $27,000,000,000,000 with no plans from the great minds residing in the White House or Congress to reduce the deficit. 

Yet there is still hope. There is still a window of opportunity to reignite our country's fervor to bring peace and regain stability in America. But it will require something. Something more than what the majority of Americans are willing to do. It requires the willingness to take a stand on behalf of your freedoms. Just as it took a great struggle to unite the colonies and bring freedom to the newly formed United States, it will take that same commitment to protecting our liberties today. 

  • At his inauguration, the first President, George Washington said, "The sacred fire of liberty has been entrusted to the American people." Washington's words are valid today as when he spoke them to a hopeful people back in 1789. 

  • John Adams, our 2nd President, stated, "Posterity! You will never know how much it cost the present generation to secure your freedom… I hope you will make good use of it." 

 More than 200 years later, Adam's words come to our generation as a challenge for us to make good use of what has been paved in blood for us. We cannot afford to lose sight that we have been entrusted with the task of speaking and spreading God's truth. We have a sacred obligation to stand for what is right despite the backlash or cost. Even if it starts with a small few. All it takes is a little spark to ignite a force united in regaining our freedoms and helping to restore education, the arts, the media, and our political system. 

The great American poet Robert Frost said, "Freedom lies in being bold." Therefore, pray that you seek God for wisdom and ask that you be bold in your approach to preserve your freedoms. It's also crucial that you help other Christians stop giving in to the cancel culture's demands and learn to live out the gospel without compromise.

So, I leave you with this question, are you willing to take a stand for your freedoms and live out your faith no matter the cost?