Why Alex O’Connor’s Claims Against Christianity Just Don’t Add Up
In a recent video, Alex O’Connor responded to Wesley Huff's interview with Joe Rogan on his podcast.
Alex takes issue with several points made by Wess during the Rogan interview.
1. Alex claims that Jesus never claimed he was God.
2. Alex believes Mark’s gospel fails to mention the resurrection.
3. Alex argues for a later date for John’s gospel.
How belief in God gives purpose and meaning in life
One of the leading existentialist philosophers of the 20th century, Jean-Paul Sartre, responded this way to the question of life’s meaning: “Man is condemned to be free because once thrown into the world, he is responsible for everything he does. It is up to you to give life meaning.”
Unlike atheism and existentialism, the Christian worldview offers a profound and reassuring perspective on the purpose and significance of human existence. It provides compelling reasons to believe that our existence is not the result of mere chance but rather the work of an intelligent and benevolent God.