The hidden agenda behind promoting transgender athletes

Is the International Olympic Committee truly prioritizing the protection and promotion of female athletes and their accomplishments, or is this primarily an effort to advance a social agenda that could potentially undermine female athletes and the creational order of manhood and womanhood?

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"Love is Love? Three Reasons to Rethink the Mantra"

June has become a month of recognition and celebration of LGBT+ people. During this month, a constant mantra you will inevitably hear and see is “Love is Love.” This mantra is used within the LGBT+ community to advocate for the acceptance of all forms of love, regardless of gender or sexual orientation. It’s a powerful statement that resonates with many, but it also raises important questions for Christians striving to live according to biblical teaching.

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Andy Stanley’s duplicitous, disastrous deviation from the Bible on LGBTQ+ Christians

The ongoing controversies surrounding Andy Stanley and the recent Unconditional Conference held at North Point Church need to be addressed as it was a clear departure from the scriptural teachings found in the Bible.

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