"Love is Love? Three Reasons to Rethink the Mantra"

June has become a month of recognition and celebration of LGBT+ people. During this month, a constant mantra you will inevitably hear and see is “Love is Love.” This mantra is used within the LGBT+ community to advocate for the acceptance of all forms of love, regardless of gender or sexual orientation. It’s a powerful statement that resonates with many, but it also raises important questions for Christians striving to live according to biblical teaching.

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The Cost of Freedom: How Campus Protests Push the Limits of Expression

The protests on college campuses over the Hamas-Israel war are receiving a lot of attention. However, amidst the cancellations of classes, occupation of buildings, and even instances of firing fireworks at Jewish people on campus, it seems that the fundamental question has been overlooked: to what extent are college protesters permitted to exercise their First Amendment rights?

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Jason Jimenez Jason Jimenez

The Spiritual Disillusionment of Millennials, Part 1

Are we to give up on their generation seeing that the rise of the “religiously unaffiliated” continues to mass more followers? Or are we to acknowledge the crisis before us and be willing to do whatever God has called us to do to engage Millennials with the gospel of Jesus Christ?

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