Stand Strong Ministries

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Stuck in a Compromising Church?

In today’s secularized church, it’s unpopular to preach about sin. It’s unpopular to believe in hell. It’s unpopular to hold to truth.

How has this happened? How does a church go from teaching the Word of God to censoring it?

It is quite simple really.

It starts with wanting to be popular with the culture. Desire turns into acceptance, acceptance turns into accommodation, and, before you know it, you have a big church filled with a bunch of nonbelievers following a false teacher— a false teacher who supplements God’s truth for man’s truth, a false teacher who tells his people to follow their heart and pursue happiness.

Once again, lest we forget, compromising the Word of God in the church is a mockery to God. The apostle Paul lays down some strict words for leaders in the church. He charged Timothy:

Do not be ashamed of the testimony about our Lord, nor of me his prisoner, but share in suffering for the gospel by the power of God, who saved us and called us to a holy calling, not because of our works but because of his own purpose and grace, which he gave us in Christ Jesus before the ages began, and which now has been manifested through the appearing of our Savior Christ Jesus, who abolished death and brought life and immortality to light through the gospel. (2 Timothy 1:8– 10 ESV)

Paul is essentially reminding pastors, and thus all Christians, that the church doesn’t belong to humans. Church leaders don’t own the church; they are simply servants charged to care for the needs of the church.

It is Jesus Christ who is the Head of the church, it was Jesus Christ who gave up His life to redeem a people to a holy calling, and it is Jesus Christ who charges leaders throughout the church to not be ashamed of His testimony. Rather, they are to preach the manifestation, proclamation, and resurrection of Jesus Christ without compromise.

You may be thinking, What do I do? I’m not a pastor or even a church leader. I’m just a member trying to do what’s right for my family.

First, you are more than just a member— you are of the royal priesthood of God (1 Peter 2:9).

Second, you are a child of God possessed with gifts of the Holy Spirit.

Third, you have a special calling to lead and disciple others in your sphere of influence for Christ.

Fourth, God has placed you in the church you are in for a reason, so if you haven’t figured out why that is, then do what’s necessary to get with the program.

On the flip side, if you attend a compromised church, then you need to find a different church. Don’t be involved in a church that pretends to honor the Word of God, when it really doesn’t. Remember that what the church believes about the Bible, as well as how it preaches and lives out the Bible, tells a person everything they need to know about that particular church. It isn’t to be measured by the vision of the pastor, the style of worship, or the programs it offers; rather, the church is a place for Christians to gather to worship Jesus Christ, equip the saints in the Word of God, and send them out to make disciples of all nations.